ingénierie Hôtellerie
Dans tous vos projets et vos activités courantes en hôtellerie et restauration, Maadili met à votre disposition des consultants et experts nécessaires, des ressources humaines compétentes et une formation pertinente pour vos équipes: étude de faisabilité, conception et ou validation des plans, management des projets, recrutement, formation, etc.
- +237 6 92 37 65 18
- car rental
Choose from a wide variety of cars in all sizes, our cars are also available for a daily or weekend rental plan.
- Direct flights
We offer the cheapest international and domestic ticket prices, which you can book online or after ariving.
- hotel guide
From the most known hotels to the hippest AirBNB apartments, you’ll find out the best place to stay.
- attractions
The clubs, the bars, the live shows. There is so much to do in Tel Aviv, and so little time to do it.
- restaurants
Enjoy the finest cuizine Israel has to offer, from local Israeli street food to the top chef menus.
- nightlife
If it’s fun you’re after, it’s fun you are going to get. Explore the TA music scene & find out what it’s all about.

Maadili Cabinet Conseil
Nous disposons une valeur humaine pour
la croissance des entreprises